About us

Boris and Rob have been working together since 1998. We successfully started and sold several  businesses over the past 2 decades. We also created over a dozen brands with our 3rd team member design guru Des .

Crypto Basics is an extension of Oddsoul our business consulting firm.

Back in the day we worked as skateboard and snowboard coaches now its business and crypto coaching  - oh how times have changed. Bottom line is, we still like getting alongside people and show them the ropes.  

Boris Schaber


The Coaching Method

  • One-on-one

    Even though we have a program we can tweak the session to your needs.

  • KISS

    Keep it simple stupid. Its not rocket science but there are some do’s and don'ts you should know about.

  • DIY

    We leave you with resources to take it from here.

Questions? Let’s Chat.

Email us or request a free call